Brad Estes, President and CEO/Founder

CytexOrtho is developing a first-mover solution for the millions of active patients with early hip disease who are too young for a total hip replacement. The ReNewTM Hip implant is a cutting-edge bioabsorbable medical implant that restores the joint for a prolonged, active lifestyle, instead of replacing it with an artificial implant that wears out in less than 10 years. By restoring the hip joint with our pioneering approach, we eliminate the need for an artificial hip joint later in life. More importantly, we focus on restoring the health and activity levels of individuals at disease onset, rather than making them endure chronic disease and pain while waiting for the joint to deteriorate completely before considering a hip replacement. ReNew Hip was designated a Breakthrough Device by FDA due to its potential to offer new treatment options for these patients who desperately need solutions. This is the long-awaited solution that orthopedic surgeons and patients have eagerly anticipated.