Brian Hess, CEO & Founder
D. Grayson Allen, CFO/COO & Co-Founder

RevBio, Inc. is a clinical stage medtech company developing a novel regenerative, high-strength, injectable bone adhesive called TETRANITE® which provides a new capability for clinicians to transform bone fixation and repair. TETRANITE has immediate load-bearing strength—bonding bone to bone as well as bone to metal. As it reabsorbs it is replaced with new bone during the natural bone healing process. Clinical trials have shown that the biomaterial is osteopromotive and accelerates bone healing and remodeling over time. Our patented technology platform has a total addressable market size of over $10B. TETRANITE’S unique clinical benefits will reduce the duration and complexity of orthopaedic and dental procedures, allow for more minimally invasive surgeries, lessen patient pain, shorten recovery time, and reduce the overall cost of care.