Would you like to Sponsor the MNVC?

Become a Sponsor.
Teach Future Leaders in Science

MNVC-sponsor2When your company sponsors the MNVC, you not only get the maximum exposure to some of the best, most advanced and successful individuals and companies in the musculoskeletal field, you are also benefiting the Memphis Academy of Science and Engineering (MASE) — an innovative charter school prepping young people to become future engineers and leaders in the medical field and beyond.

Interested on being a Sponsor?
Contact Amy via email [email protected] or call 901-246-6807.


Sponsorship Levels for MNVC


$15,000 Platinum

Exhibit Space/Booth at Conference – Premier Placement
Prominent Signage at conference venue
Recognition from podium during program session
Full-page advertisement in event program
Corporate logo on all event materials
Ten Complimentary guest tickets to program (mixer, reception & conference)
Logo with link on Event Website

$10,000 Gold Sponsorship

Exhibit Space/Booth at Conference – Premier Placement
Prominent Signage at conference venue
Recognition from podium during program session
Full-page advertisement in event brochure
Five Complimentary guest tickets to program (mixer, reception & conference)
Logo with link on Event Website

$5,000 Silver Sponsorship

Exhibit Space/Booth at Conference
Prominent Signage at conference venue
Full-page advertisement in event brochure
Three Complimentary guest tickets to program (reception & conference)
Logo with link on Event Website

$1,000 Bronze Sponsorship
(available for non-profits only)

Exhibit Space/Booth at Conference
Full-page advertisement in event brochure
Two Complimentary guest tickets to conference
Logo with link on Event Website